March 20th, 2003
Well, I'm back. I just got back from the big protest here in Minneapolis. It was quite an amazing event. I'm not sure if I like protesting or not. When I was done marching (I figure I walked at least 5 miles today) I was sore, exhausted, starving, freezing cold and just basically spent. You know I'd do it even if all I got was aches and pains because I think it's my patriotic duty to let the government know when they're being stupid and/or oppressive fucks. But guess what - I loved it. Despite the miserable weather (it was overcast, cold, and it rained sporadically - but hey, this is Minnesota!) and despite the obvious sadness of the start of a war, I got this incredible vibe from the crowd. People were amazingly happy, once we got together and got going. Our spirits rose as we started acting in unison. It's very comforting to know you're not alone in fighting this madness.
I suppose you want to see some pictures from this event. I guess I'll let you do just that. Click here to check'em out.
Can you believe that my right arm is actually sore from giving the peace sign so many times? Wow, man. :-) I feel like I've done my duty. It wasn't easy, but it was fun. Until next time...
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