Thursday, January 22, 2004

What's up

Hey ya! Not much goin' on. I just thought I'd write so you wouldn't think I was dead. I've been feeling quite "expressed" lately. I think it was good to get that rant about salsa off my chest. Okay, it's not really that, but I've been keeping busy despite only working part time. I can actually see my desk again! Apparently it's made out of wood. Who knew?

Speaking of work, I'm busy applying for a lot jobs. I hope something will come up soon. I'm getting quite sick in working in the ol' call center. I think it's improved my phone skills a lot, though. I could probably cold-call the pope and convince him to send me money. There are adverse affects, however; I catch myself about to launch into my standard greeting when I answer the phone at home now. God, it's taking over my brain!!

Other than that I'm just working on various music-related things. I'm still sorting through all the MP3s I got at the last LANparty in November. Yeah, I got a lot. I've also got a shitload of new CDs (burns, mostly) to listen to, and rip the good tracks from. Besides that I've been doing some recording; getting some acoustic demos down for my mates to listen to. Just blurbs, mostly. It's all good in the hood. Oh, and it's my birthday in two days. I'm expecting virtually no presents. Ah well, the only things I want are rent money and car-repair money (which I will soon need as the frigid cold is killing my car at an alarming rate). Not very gift-y. Well, I will try to write more often. I can't believe I feel responsibility to keep up a blog that nobody reads. Maybe I need to chill out.


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