Sunday, April 17, 2005

10,000 days old soon

I will be 10,000 days old very soon. I've been aware that this was coming for some time. I calculated that everybody hits 10,000 days when they're 27.38 years old. It's not easy to figure out what day that is by hand, though. It's a good thing that I found the Julian Day Number Calculator. Just fill out your birthday on the top row and then enter 10,000 for the number of days, as you can see on mine below:

So, it looks like on June 11th I'll be 10,000 days old. That's freakin' scary, man. Did I make every one of those days count? I sure hope so; there's no guarantee I'll hit 20,000. By the way, if you're 54 years old, your 20,000 day is coming up soon. If you're 68 years old, you can look forward to your 25,000 day at 68.45 years old. My grandma recently turned 91. She just passed by her 33,000 day when she was 90.35 years old. Not bad, Grandma.


1 sick little monkeys said:

Blogger Eve screeched...

I'm looking forward to turning 10,000 days old in a few months. It feels like such a cool milestone to me!

27 May, 2009 15:29  

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