Thursday, July 20, 2006

Israel is hinting at a "full scale invasion" of Lebanon to track down Hezbollah militants

Things are heating up in Lebanon:

Israeli troops met fierce resistance from Hezbollah guerrillas Thursday as they crossed into Lebanon to seek tunnels and weapons for a second straight day, and Israel hinted at a full-scale invasion.

Israel warned residents to "immediately" flee a nearly 20-mile swath of south Lebanon along the border. Its warplanes also launched new airstrikes on Beirut's southern suburbs, a Hezbollah stronghold, shortly after daybreak, followed by strikes in the guerrillas' heartland in the south and eastern Bekaa Valley.

This is getting pretty bad. Hezbollah seems to be launching rockets at Israeli towns, which certainly isn't helping the Lebanese government arrange a ceasefire. The Lebanese government is in tatters anyway, so if we want to see an end to the crisis it will need to come from the international community.

The United States House of Representatives' response was swift: They passed a non-binding resolution supporting Israel's right to blow the living shit out of everything in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and anybody else who we don't like. Whoopee.

I would've thought that a solemn declaration of solidarity with the victims on both sides would've been more appropriate. But I guess war is big business. And business is good.

Meanwhile, religious nuts are eagerly awaiting the rapture. Boy Jesus is gonna be impressed... with their selfishness and stupidity. Did he say anything in Revelation about killing people and supporting war so that he can come back quicker? I don't remember reading that part...



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