Thursday, July 13, 2006

Reverend compares Ken Lay to MLK and Jesus Christ at the Enron swindler's funeral

[from digg]
The Reverend Dr. Bill Lawson compared Lay with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ, and said his name would eventually be cleared. "He was taken out of the world right at the right time," he said. "History has a way of vindicating people who have been wronged."

read more | digg story

This is something that I saw and thought nothing of. .At first. ... But then I began to realize what a twisted world we live in if some "reverend" in a church of followers of Jesus Christ, has compared his saviour, his hallowed friend Jesus -- to Ken Lay, a man who duped and betrayed thousands, if not millions of people. What the fuck is this guy on?

Somebody get the reverend a fuckin' bible. If you can get that shit out of the bible, then you can truly get anything out of it. Did he not learn anything in seminary school? How can he compare a man like Lay to Jesus? The man was a crook! He screwed over his entire company and all the shareholders, and made millions in the process. What a fuckin' dick. 'nuff said.

I'm sure all his Republican buddies still love Kenny Boy. Hey, they profited from his schemes too, and they knew when to get out -- when he was.

But what I find most interesting about this article, is actually the first section with the interview of Lay's stepson:

Lay's stepson David Herrold told the nearly full First United Methodist Church that Lay was wrongly convicted, and he was angry about the portrayals of his stepfather in the media.

"He did have a strong faith in God and I know he's in heaven, and I'm glad he's not in a position anymore to be whipped by his enemy," Herrold said.

"His enemy"? Who would his enemy be? The American people? The criminal justice system? His former cow-0rkers and shareholders? .... God?

Think about how messed up this guy and his rationalizations are. I don't know how he can justify Lay's actions and still continue to call himself a rational and intellectually honest person. Maybe he doesn't call himself that, I dunno. But what really intrigues me (and scares me) is the idea that people like Ken Lay and his stepson and the Reverend have a logical and moral system that is utterly divorced from my own, and from most of the rest of the country's. They exist in a moral plane of evil and amoral action.

Are there people who are... just, plain... evil?

A disturbing thought. One that needs closer examination.

But not too close.

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