Kinky Friedman for Governor of Texas: Why the hell not?

Now Kinky, who is running as an indepedent, has chosen Willie Nelson as his energy czar:
Friedman said the country singer/songwriter and benefactor of biodiesel was a natural choice to lead a state energy department or commission, which he wants to create. He also said Nelson "would never have his hand in Texas' pocket."
"My plan is to appoint the best people I can find, get out of the way and let them work ... people whose only agenda is to do the right thing for the people of Texas," Friedman told the Fort Worth Rotary Club. "... I really believe that musicians can better run this state than politicians."
A Texas biodiesel supplier partnered with Nelson to develop the BioWillie brand of the clean-burning fuel for truckers. It is made from used vegetable oils or soybeans and is blended with diesel, and does not require modification to diesel engines.
Hell yeah! Now this is a campaign I can get behind! Willie Nelson is cool. Kinky is the perfect governor for a state that's been churning out nothing but Bush cronies for decades. It's time to either elect Kinky or get yer ass kicked out of the union, Texas!
Kinky is right. Musicians would be better at running any state than politicans. Look how infested with politicians we are currently -- where has it gotten us? Now, some might say I'm biased as a musician myself, but I'm not running for anything, and I don't live in Texas. I just see Kinky as being the best man for the job.
Kinky's a funny guy, but he has real plans for the state; not just jokes:
Friedman, who unveiled his energy plan Thursday, said he plans to have 35,000 school buses running on biodiesel fuel, as well as his own vehicle. He said as it catches on, some 7 percent or 8 percent of Texans will be trying biodiesel, resulting in lower prices at gas stations because of supply and demand.
"What you're going to see is Texas finally leading the way instead of following behind all the time, being first in something besides executions, toll roads and property taxes," he said.
I think it's a great idea to start using more biodiesel. The oil-lobby has owned Texas for years -- it's time to take Texas back from this entrenched special interest groups!
Of course, Jesse got attacked on all sides. All the fucking useless partisan pieces of shit made sure to write in every day about how awful Jesse was -- mostly because he wasn't kowtowing to their preferred special interest. Fuck those partisan shitbags. I HATE partisan politics. I prefer independents. The Democrats and Republicans suddenly become best buddies when facing off against an independent.
There's really only one political party: The Corporate Party. Democrats and Republicans are simply different factions within the One Party. Our only hope for true representation (i.e. candidates who aren't corporate servants) is electing independent and third party candidates. In MN, that means Peter Hutchinson. I'm not sure I'll vote for him; he's not as fun as Kinky, but at least he's not a Corporate-crat.
Kinky for president!
6 sick little monkeys said:
Thanks for the post my good man.
For the record, I'm not with Kinky on the whole voting for Bush thing (WTF?) but, other than that I don't think it's a bad thing that Kinky is pretty right wing. I mean, shit, if you're going to get elected to anything in Texas, you'd better have a gunrack and some conservative beliefs.
That said, I'm glad Kinky is willing to look past the partisan divide and choose a guy like Willie Nelson (very left wing AFAIK) as his energy point man. Whatever works, I say.
I'll second your 'why the hell not' and add that if a former wrestler can run the state of Minnesota (seriously, Ventura didn't do a terrible job), Kinky can sure as hell run Texas! Go, Kinky, go!!
Kinky did a hell of a lot more than vote for Bush, read this interview with Kinky:
Q: So does this idea of the honorable cowboy have anything to do with why you threw your support behind President Bush in this last election? You did, didn’t you?
Kinky: Yes. I did in this last election, but I didn’t vote for him the first time... Since then, though, we’ve become friends. And that’s what’s changed things.
Q: So it’s your friendship with him that’s changed your mind about having him as president more than his specific political positions?
Kinky: Well, actually, I agree with most of his political positions overseas, his foreign policy. On domestic issues, I’m more in line with the Democrats. I basically think he played a poor hand well after September 11. What he’s been doing in the Near East and in the Middle East, he’s handling that well, I think.
true enough, billytommy. But from the same article you linked to I can see Kinky's clever little plan to get elected. He's trying to have it both ways by being both for and against Bush's policies (and obviously, Bush has a lot, so it's not a flip-flopper problem). Here's an example:
KF: I’m not anti-hunting, I just don’t hunt. As far as gun control goes, in Texas the conceal-and-carry law is working really well; it’s cut crime and I think George W. did good with that one. I don’t think he did well with the death penalty—I’m not as confident as he is that innocent men haven’t been killed.
I'm guessing that my strident anti-Bush rhetoric doesn't fly in Texas. Kinky's position will no doubt seem more reasoned than mine (actually my hatred of Bush is extremely well reasoned) and will probably help him at the polls. 6 years in (10 for Texans), most people, even supporters, are going to have a few things that they disagree/dislike about Bush. Kinky's position might be exactly what he needs to get elected.
Personally, I don't have a big problem with moderates. Even in times of crisis like now. Kinky seems to be a good man, and for me, that's all the difference.
Could Kinky end up taking a lot of progressive stances once in office like Arnold's environmental and minimum-wage policies in CA? Stranger things have happened...
The reason Kinky has to say he's not "anti-hunting" is because he wrote an anti-hunting piece for Texas Monthly that resulted in the most hate mail and canceled subscriptions in the history of the magazine.
He are interviews with Kinky Friedman. Watch, research, and then make up your own mind. Anti-Kinky blogs like some Democrats at BurntOrangeReport and StopKinky regularly and purposely misquote and misrepresent Kinky Friedman in a last ditch effort to discredit him. It's too late for child's play. Watch and formulate your own opinions. My previous post, Kinky Friedman and Texas Issues, goes over all of Kinky's platform.
Great recent audio interview. Kinky Friedman interview by The Lynn Woolley Show on August 18, 2006. All the issues. There are five segments that you can listen to here. segment 1, segment 2, segment 3, segment 4, segment 5, segment 6
Kinky Friedman on CBS's Sunday Morning Show.
Kinky Friedman interview with WOAI's Randy Beamer.
Kinky Friedman interview with FOX's Bill O'Reilly.
Kinky Friedman interview with San Antonio Living.
Kinky Friedman's speech to the Blackland Coalition.
Kinky Friedman press conference for Independent Texans.
Kinky Friedman's Interview #1 with Texas Monthly's Evan Smith.
Kinky Friedman's Interview #2 with Texas Monthly's Evan Smith.
Kinky Friedman audio from NPR. There are two audio files on this page, click "listen" at the top, and then under that, click "Web Extra" for a 1988 interview. If you scroll down a bit too, you can find a link to Kinky Friedman's hit song, "Sold American."
Information on Biodiesel from NPR. Audio from Kinky Friedman, Carl Cornelius, and Willie Nelson. Click on "listen" at the top of the page. The other audio file on this page is found under "Speaking of Biodiesel." Click the third one down, "Kinky Friedman on Biodiesel, Alternative Fuels, and Willie Nelson."
More Audio and Video will be posted soon.
What I also found was that Chris Bell only proposes taxing more businesses to fund education, and he would consider building toll roads for new highway construction. Read the interview for yourself.
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