Secret servers allow White House to conduct its dirty work away from prying eyes in Congress
First, Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman take a look at how Ohio is struggling to come to grips with election fraud.
In a bold move "to restore trust to elections in Ohio," Ohio's newly-elected Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, has requested the resignation of all four members of the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections. The two Democrats and two Republicans were formally asked to resign by the close of business on March 21. Cuyahoga County includes the heavily Democratic city of Cleveland. Brunner is a Democrat who was elected to be Ohio's Secretary of State in November, 2006.Check out the whole article for a glimpse into what might be the story of the century. If we can prove Ohio was stolen that will make the Bush regime instantly illegitimate in the eyes of most citizens (fascists will continue to support him) and grease the wheels of impeachment. We're already getting convictions, but we need to keep going. I doubt Maiden and Dreamer (seriously, those are their names) are the masterminds of this particular project. I think a proper investigation will reveal that this goes all the way to the top.
Felony convictions have also resulted in 18-month prison sentences for two employees of the Cuyahoga BOE as a result of what the county prosecutor in the case calls the "rigging" of the outcome in the recount following the 2004 presidential election. Further problems surfaced in the conduct of Cuyahoga County's May, 2006 primary, in the wake of which Michel Vu, Executive Director of the county's Board of Elections recently resigned. [emphasis mine]
A second story takes a look into the mysterious domain.
It appears that the Bush/Cheney team has been using an alternate email system in a bid to keep potentially incriminating emails off the official White House system. Presumably, they're worried about those emails being subpoenaed (which is what's happening in the Gonzales case).
Interestingly, according to the National Journal (reported in the WaPo), Karl Rove "does 'about 95 percent' of his e-mailing using his RNC-based account."This is a violation of so many rules I can't even count them all. A number of them are technical: Many are wondering if as secure as the White House's communications system. I don't know, but I suspect it is robust enough (does somebody want to hack them and test this theory?) in order to keep those emails well hidden.

Think back to the recent scandals involving Jack Abramoff and Scooter Libby. Did the investigators in those cases have full access? Did they even know about the alternate email system? Most likely they did not since this is just coming up now.
Many key people in the Bush regime deny even using email. At all. Is that even possible in today's business/technology climate? Bush, I can understand being too stupid to operate a computer, but Condi Rice? Alberto Gonzales also claims not to use email (how convenient). Same with Rumsfeld. How the hell do they communicate on a day to day basis? Write something down and walk it over there? Make a staffer run to the Pentagon and back? If these people have BlackBerries they're using email; that's the whole point of a BlackBerry.
I just have a hard time believing these people don't use email in the course of business. I mean, GW promised to bring a corporate culture to the presidency (I saw that as a threat, but some people apparently thought that was a good idea), and his regime was terribly effective for several years. They did all of this with several key folks swearing off email?! If I told my boss I didn't want to use email he'd tell me to stop using Quaaludes. That's like saying, "Oh sorry. I don't ride in cars; I only use horse and buggies. Don't worry, I'll catch up. Of course, I don't use phones either, so I'll have to send up a smoke signal to catch a ride." Maybe I missed something, but I don't remember there being very many Amish captains of industry. Too many Quaaludes perhaps?
Something fishy is going on here... What horrors lurk within the secret email system available only to Bush cronies? Where's a hacker when you need one?
Labels: corporatism, corruption, impeachment, scandal, Shadow Government, technology