Sunday, March 18, 2007

If you think voting for Hillary will solve the problems Bush made you're fuckin' dreaming

George W. Bush has been a disaster for this country, there can be no doubt. However, beware of those who want to be his successor -- many of them are just as bad, if not worse.

Case in point: Hillary Clinton has vowed to keep U.S. troops in Iraq if she's elected. Not only is she a war supporter, she is even more blatant about her willingness to spill American blood for Iraqi oil.

As for Iraq’s importance to US “national security,” Clinton could not have been clearer: “It is right in the heart of the oil region.”

Asked how many troops would be left behind under such a plan Clinton demurred, claiming that she would bow to “the advice of military officers.” Undoubtedly, however, these open-ended missions—securing Iraq’s borders, suppressing resistance, training its military and, above all, assuring control of its oil, not to mention protecting and supporting all those engaged in these activities—would require the permanent basing of tens of thousands of US soldiers and marines in an occupation that would last for decades.

Hillary Clinton is an imperial neocon traitor, just like Bush. Do not be fooled. If Hillary is elected we can look forward to more of the same. She's so ambitious she will sell out any principle, sacrifice any amount of American lives, do any amount of damage to our nation to achieve her selfish goals. The only thing that matters to her is getting elected president. Everything else is secondary, including our Constitution, our troops, our nation, our liberty and our standing in the world.

I repeat: Do not be fooled! Many of the Democrats are nothing more than neocons in sheep's clothing. Ironically, the Republican-in-name-only Ron Paul might be our best bet for 2008. He's basically a Liberatian in Republican guise. He was against the war in Iraq from the beginning and he wants to shut down the Federal Reserve -- that pretty much gets my vote right there.

It's worth noting that the Democrats have done little to get us out of Iraq so far -- if this is still the case in 2008 then we might need to re-examine our ideas of partisanship. All partisanship does is divide us. I'm as guilty of this as anyone. Maybe it's time to vote for the person and not the party.

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