Will somebody give Bush a blow job so we can impeach him already?
We can't depend on Laura to manage this task. If she was doing her job we wouldn't be at war right now. There's only one person who can give the president the blow job he so desperately needs. There's only one person whose undying devotion and selfless emasculation could possibly sway Bush. There's only one person who could possibly imagine giving Bush the fellatio that could free us all from his despotic regime. One person... one man. Tony Blair.

Come on, Tony. You owe us this much. Give Bush a BJ and get caught!... so we can impeach him. It's a dirty job, but you owe us big-time, Tony. Pucker up.

Come on, Tony. You owe us this much. Give Bush a BJ and get caught!... so we can impeach him. It's a dirty job, but you owe us big-time, Tony. Pucker up.
Labels: Bush, impeachment, satire, sex, war
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