Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Hypocrisy of DailyKos: How Partisanship Created The Best Enemies Bush Could Hope For

Proving once again that they value partisanship over America, freedom and informed debate, the sellout hacks at DailyKos have "warned" anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan that if she posts more about her independent candidacy she will be banned.

I can't post here anymore because my potential run for Congress is not on the Democratic ticket.


If Speaker Pelosi does her constitutionally mandated duty and I don't run, then I can come back and post.

DailyKos is shameful. The site is bathed in hypocrisy and founded on partisanship.

The two-party system has destroyed America and put us in the current mess, and DailyKos and other Yellow Dog Democrats are part of the problem. They care about Democrats first and America second (just as the Republicans look after themselves first and America... well, okay they don't care about America at all).

That said, there is still some hope that Pelosi is just being strategic, but where has trusting the Democrats to hold Republicans accountable got us so far? I can see Cindy's point; what's the purpose of having the Democrats in charge of Congress if they won't impeach? 50% of the nation is pro-impeachment (46% for Bush, 58% for Cheney) and the Democrats aren't even talking about it. Once the real investigations start and we find some dirt the numbers will go higher. But will the Democrats have the balls to do it?

Only if it doesn't harm their precious party, or the two-party system.

Ironically, many DailyKos regulars are the best enemies Bush could hope for: weak, timid, divided and fucking stupid. They proceed with undue caution and fret that attacking Bush could make them look like big meanies. They make excuses rather than try and build a consensus on impeachment, and they are far more concerned about their electoral chances in 2008 than in actually holding the illegal Bush/Cheney administration accountable. In short, they are Bush's enablers.

Sheehan gets points in my book for being against the Federal Reserve, which many Kossacks think is a Republican position (it's not), so, unthinkingly, they reject it like the fucking mindless borg shitheads that they are.

Opposition to the Fed is generally an independent position (Ron Paul is the exception here, but he's so hated by his own party that I think it only strengthens my point), and is generally the province of informed, independent-minded folks who don't follow marching orders of the Washington establishment oligarchy.

The sad truth is the there's nothing progressive about DailyKos; it's about as regressive and unimaginative as you can get. These people are too wrapped up in the sports team mentality ("Gooooo Dems!") to realize that their party is as much a part of the fascist oligarchy as the Republicans.

DailyKos is decidedly mainstream, and worships at the altar of pragmatism, not freedom, liberty, or truth. Their only goal is victory (and they admit as much), although they still like to pretend to be anti-establishment nothing could be further from the truth. When Kos casts himself as a revolutionary, he doesn't mean to change the system. He merely wants to sieze control it and use it for his own selfish aims... Just like everybody else in politics.

The Democrats, for their part, have accomplished exactly nothing in Congress. Not that Bush would sign their reform bills anyway, but isn't that all the more reason to impeach the stonewalling, lying, election-stealing fascist bastards? Apparently not.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: There's only one party -- The Business Party, and Democrats and Republicans are merely factions of that monolithic party. We don't live in a democracy, we live in a constitutional republic that is quickly shedding the "constitutional" part for fascism instead. And what are the Democrats doing to stop it? About as much as they're doing to stop the war: Nothing but a few bellicose speeches for the choir.

Still, the Kossacks will continue to support the Dems, no matter what. Blind loyalty is their modus operandi and they show no signs of changing it. So, how are they any different from the Republicans who support Bush no matter how many laws he breaks?

Partisans on both sides are the same. They all think it's okay to break a few rules in order to achieve their party's higher goals. What's best for America doesn't enter into it.

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89 sick little monkeys said:

Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Well put. As i tend to lean away from the policies of the Corporate republicans and corporate media, i had turned to sites like DailyKos and Crooks and Liars for several years to try and get the other side. But as of late they have both proven themselves to be just as biased and uninterested in America as the conservative right.

The big clue came when they all refused to discuss Ron Paul, or constantly tried do demonize him. Whatever you think about Ron Paul, his views are worthy of real discussion, not baseless attacks on his character. DailyKos and others don't care about real political discussion... only partisan victory.

12 July, 2007 13:34  
Blogger Unknown screeched...

Well said. I'd only add that "BIG business" should be the name of these two parties. They don't care about small biz where the jobs are created.

12 July, 2007 16:03  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

You guys/gals sound like a bunch of high school government teachers.
Wake up government has always been about business and serving the interests of business.
Politics is major business and any disruptive force like Jimmy Carter or Ron Paul will be discredited because they dont serve the vested interests.
If people dont like our two sides of the same coin then nothing is really stopping them from starting their own political party or moving to a country that has a system they prefer a little more.

12 July, 2007 17:34  
Blogger Unknown screeched...

DailyKos does not just blindly support politicians with a 'D' after their name. Witness Lamont taking down Lieberman in the CT primary. Cindy Shehan is free to challenge Speaker Pelosi in the the next democratic primary for Pelosi's congressional district and Shehan could still post to DailyKos.

DailyKos' charter is to promote Democrats and democratic causes within the framework of the Constitution. Much of Shehan advocacy aligns with the bloggers at DailyKos and there is little doubt in my mind that if she challenged Pelosi in the next democratic primary there would be a good percentage of Kossacks who would support her.

Further DailyKos challenges Democrats to no just live up to the ideals of their party but to the ideals of the Constitution. They promote transparency of government and accountability in there elected officials.

12 July, 2007 18:37  
Blogger Vemrion screeched...

anon 17:34:
Yes, people are certainly free to start their own party, but they will find it studiously and intentionally ignored by the mainstream media. The MSM is used to being the kingmaker, and they don't like any competition.

Are you a PR flack for DailyKos or something? Yes, I'm aware that it is a Democratic site and they claim to be progressive, but I find their progressive ideas similar to that of so-called progressive metal -- stuck in the 80s.

It's time for some real change. The damage that Bush has done and the fissures he has exposed demand a much more radical/revolutionary response than DK's tame goals. Most important, they will do nothing to prevent the election of another person like Bush because they are unwilling to make massive structural changes needed in finance (abolishment of the Federal Reserve), electioneering, terrorism (stopping another false flag attack), freedom (ending the bullshit war on drugs) and the environment (breaking the oil company's grip on our country).

Kos is mostly concerned with being a kingmaker in the present system. Since he's fairly successful he has no desire to the change the system that has enriched and empowered him.

12 July, 2007 19:21  
Blogger Unknown screeched...

I am not a PR flunky, just someone who reads dailykos and reddit links regularly.

While I am in general agreement with your list of radical political priorities especially ending the fruitless war on drugs, I see the DK approach as more practical way for changing government. Build Democratic majorities on the state and federal level, defeat DINOs (Democrats In Name Only) during primaries, and advance a progressive agenda (80s? try the 40s)

Abolishing the Federal Reserve: Bush II is already doing his best to print as much money as he needs resulting in the US dollar being hammered globally so you may get what you want sticking with Bush/Cheney (plus a long recession). Was it only 6 years ago the US was looking at running a record federal surplus? Ouch.

Electioneering: this is a common topic on DK and most bloggers there think the Democrats are dropping the ball on this especially since they didn't push hard for Christine Jennings contested election.

Terrorism: this threat has only been exacerbated by the Bush administration. Armies will not defeat terrorists or break up terror plots.

Energy: oil companies are not our friends.

You don't seem all that radical. How about eliminating the US standing army and our foreign military bases? Make public transportation free? Tax gasoline to double it's current price? Eliminate farm subsidies? Prosecute Bush and Cheney as war criminals?

12 July, 2007 20:07  
Blogger Vemrion screeched...

Yes to all of your radical suggestions, and a few more:

Radically alter the way copyright and IP law work to make the system less rigid and lawsuit-happy. Content creators need to get paid, but we've got to find a proper balance.

Eliminate the education system in the government as we know it -- it's mostly corporate-friendly brainwashing and rote obedience. Kids are built to learn and they should lead their own path to knowledge.

Open up the UFO files. It's obvious they're hiding something.

Abolish and investigate the actions of the CIA, NSA and DIA.

More direct democracy. Representative government was necessary in the technological milieu of the 18th century but with the internet we should be voting on damn near everything! And if we fuck up? Well, we'll have only ourselves to blame.

Re-investigate 9/11. I think you might've missed my reference to false-flag terrorism. Isn't it extraordinary how lucky Bush got by having a huge terror attack 9 months into his term that allowed him to achieve every neocon fantasy? Well, they say you make your own luck. In this case, quite literally.... but it was a very unlucky day for about 3,000 people and their families and friends. We need to get the full story about this dreadful day, especially concerning the war games.

That radical enough for ya? :-)

If this doesn't sound radical anymore, maybe that's because BushCheney has pushed things so far in the wrong direction that such radical action is needed. If the democrats can bring such change, I'm all for it, but so far they seem to be playing their cards pretty close to their chest. I need to see action, and soon -- impeachment now!

(war crimes trial next)

12 July, 2007 21:20  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

The Daily Kon is more like it.

Left Gatekeeper: (noun) Someone who pretends to be liberal or progressive in order to achieve credibility and a following among those holding views considered liberal or progressive. They then use their influence to discourage discussion or consideration of any information or ideas damaging to the ruling class, such as the truth about 9/11, thus drawing an artificial line that people will avoid crossing and controlling discussion of things that actually matter and could disrupt the status quo. Examples: Noam Chomsky, Arianna Huffington, Michael Moore, Amy Goodman, and of course, the Daily Kos.
If the shoe fits....and no, I've never posted on Dkos.

"Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss"

DailyKos has banned hundreds of posters (ney, thousands?) for speaking their mind, which, unfortunately for them, often is in opposition to "the party line". Intentional or not, Dkos serves its masters wishes well. Closed minds and democracy do not go too well together.
'Progressive' (pwogwessive) is a word thrown around rather loosely these days. The Democrats continue to actively cut off access to challengers wherever and whenever they can. It seems to disturb supporters not in the slightest that in continuing to vote for them, one endorses their anti-democratic efforts and general malaise. The "winner-take-all" mentality is old, tired, and self-destructive.
Such logic is a moebius strip.

A recent CNN poll found an overwhelming lack of support for the two party duopoly, with nearly over 50% of the respondents saying neither party represented their interests and identifying themselves as "independents"

I am a registered Democrat, but would vote for Ron Paul (a Republican) because he does not seem to have his head up his sphincter, unlike most of Washington. Check out this Harris Poll if you have any doubts.

13 July, 2007 12:35  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Sorry, heres that Mother Jones article link again.

13 July, 2007 12:37  
Blogger Randy screeched...

FOr the Dem who would vote for Paul, I feel the same way about Kucinich and Gravel. They don't spew crap. But if you're serious about Paul, then you might need to register as a Republican in the primary.

Funny how the Kos shill pretty much spelled out Ron Paul's positions.

I can't believe they are at all interested in upholding the Constitution. The only time I wandered in I saw a lots of support of laws that would punish "hate speech." Never mind that's ecaxtly the kind of speech the 1st Amendment is supposed to protect - if it hurts the feelings of a non-Republican, then it should be illegal was the logic.

16 July, 2007 14:55  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Senator Gravel should run WITH Paul. Really mix up the paradigm, and the "establishment" about turning things on their heads.
Call it the "common sense" party.

17 July, 2007 13:34  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Thanks for article!

17 August, 2007 18:59  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Thanks for interesting article.

18 August, 2007 04:49  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!

09 September, 2007 17:56  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

WNJ709 You have a talant! Write more!

30 October, 2007 11:41  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

RRTTsA Please write anything else!

30 October, 2007 21:32  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

VA9DJU The best blog you have!

01 November, 2007 22:51  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

k83P2k Magnific!

02 November, 2007 12:20  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Hello all!

02 November, 2007 14:00  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Nice Article.

02 November, 2007 14:53  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Hello all!

02 November, 2007 15:57  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Good job!

03 November, 2007 05:31  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Good job!

03 November, 2007 10:08  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Hello all!

03 November, 2007 11:10  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Please write anything else!

03 November, 2007 12:14  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Hello all!

03 November, 2007 13:03  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

AF9ikT write more, thanks.

04 November, 2007 02:11  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Hello all!

04 November, 2007 22:14  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Hello all!

05 November, 2007 00:07  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...


05 November, 2007 00:39  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

05 November, 2007 01:16  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...


05 November, 2007 01:45  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...


05 November, 2007 02:12  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Wonderful blog.

05 November, 2007 02:45  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Please write anything else!

05 November, 2007 03:59  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Wonderful blog.

05 November, 2007 04:40  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Please write anything else!

05 November, 2007 05:15  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Wonderful blog.

05 November, 2007 05:44  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.

05 November, 2007 06:17  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Wonderful blog.

05 November, 2007 06:57  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

05 November, 2007 07:30  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

05 November, 2007 07:57  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Thanks to author.

05 November, 2007 08:26  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

05 November, 2007 09:02  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

05 November, 2007 09:34  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

05 November, 2007 10:07  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

05 November, 2007 10:38  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

05 November, 2007 11:10  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

All generalizations are false, including this one.

05 November, 2007 11:42  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

05 November, 2007 12:21  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81

05 November, 2007 13:04  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Please write anything else!

05 November, 2007 13:42  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

05 November, 2007 14:14  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?

05 November, 2007 14:49  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

05 November, 2007 15:19  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Save the whales, collect the whole set

05 November, 2007 15:44  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

05 November, 2007 16:12  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...


05 November, 2007 16:43  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Thanks to author.

05 November, 2007 17:10  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

05 November, 2007 18:20  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

05 November, 2007 19:00  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

05 November, 2007 19:31  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

All generalizations are false, including this one.

05 November, 2007 20:01  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Please write anything else!

05 November, 2007 20:33  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

05 November, 2007 21:56  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

C++ should have been called B

05 November, 2007 22:32  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Nice Article.

05 November, 2007 23:08  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Save the whales, collect the whole set

05 November, 2007 23:49  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

06 November, 2007 00:19  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

06 November, 2007 00:57  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

06 November, 2007 01:39  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

06 November, 2007 02:21  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...


06 November, 2007 03:11  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

06 November, 2007 03:54  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Wonderful blog.

06 November, 2007 04:33  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.

06 November, 2007 05:17  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

06 November, 2007 06:14  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.

06 November, 2007 07:04  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?

06 November, 2007 07:49  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81

06 November, 2007 08:28  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Thanks to author.

06 November, 2007 09:06  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

All generalizations are false, including this one.

06 November, 2007 09:44  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.

06 November, 2007 10:16  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

06 November, 2007 11:00  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.

06 November, 2007 11:45  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

Nice Article.

06 November, 2007 12:25  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

When there's a will, I want to be in it.

06 November, 2007 13:13  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

06 November, 2007 14:04  
Anonymous Anonymous screeched...

C++ should have been called B

06 November, 2007 14:42  

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