Thursday, March 20, 2008

American History: Barack Obama is making it

Now I'm not saying Barack Obama is a perfect candidate (lord knows he's too middle-of-the-road for my taste), but the guy is a statesman. He's not just a politician. Politicians only give a damn getting elected, deniability, damage control, demographics.

Demographics. That's racism, sexism, ageism, regionalism -- every -ism you can think of -- down to a science. Pollsters know how to appeal to every little corner of the electorate. You craft a message specially-tailored for each of them and deliver it to them the most appropriate manner for that segment. You might tell another group something different. That's the way it works. Then you gotta hope they never see the opposing statement.

Well, that's not what Barack did. No, he spoke to every single one of us on a divisive topic that many people would rather ignore: Race.

And he's right. Hell, I even disagree with his condemnation of his pastor and I still think he's right. America is becoming "more perfect." We have no choice; under the rule of the Bush regime we have had no choice but to figure these things out for ourselves.

Obama is simply putting what many of us have long known out there in public. And he did it without pointing fingers. I would've pointed fingers at those in the political and economic establishment who use racism as a tool to keep the populace suspicious of each other in order to distract and divide us. But then again, maybe I'm a nut.

Still, I suspect Obama knows this. He just can't blurt it out; the media would crucify him. They're already trying to nail him on Rev. Wright's speech. But Obama has turned the tables and made The Media look divisive and racist instead.

This speech is one of the most important pieces of American rhetoric in a long time. You owe it to yourself and your nation to watch this speech. American history is being written in front of your eyes.

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