Thursday, June 16, 2005

Downing Street Memo - it has a nice ring to it

Have you heard of the Downing Street Memo yet? Probably not, since the media has mostly refused to cover it except in passing. Once you learn that the Downing Street Memo is the smoking gun that will probably eventually bring down this illegal and immoral government you start to wonder why the media suddenly has an aversion to scandal and drama. Seems odd, doesn't it? Well, I'll get to that.

First, what is the Downing Street Memo (a.k.a. DSM or "The Rycroft Memo") anyway? Well, the first thing to understand is that it is British in orgin. It was written in preparation for a national security meeting at Downing Street, basically so everybody was on the same page. It was written in July of 2002 as the war machine began gearing up for the eventual invasion of Iraq in March of 2003.

So where's the smoking gun? Well, rather than explain it, let me just quote it:

Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.

So you can see that not only did they not have any plan for the aftermath, the Bush administration was out to "fix" the facts in their favor. This accusation has been around since right before the war began, if not earlier, and this memo shows that twisting the intelligence (oh why beat around the bush - LYING) was part of the plan from the get-go.

BTW, the British government has NOT questioned the authenticity of the memo. This is the real deal, folks. Bush is toast.

Or he would be, if we had a functioning fourth estate. It's commonly said that Republicans control all three branches of government. Well, guess what; they control the pseudo-fourth as well. The Media has long been considered a fourth pillar in this union of states, and one might conclude that that makes the media a little too cozy with the other branches of government. I would agree. You see, the Republicans now control the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches along with the mainstream media.

I know, I know. You've been hearing these terms like "liberal media bias" and "judicial activism" flung around and here I am saying that the media is under the control of conservatives. Well guess what -- it's true. Where did you first hear the term "liberal media"? My guess is you heard it in the media. Where did you hear "judicial activism" (a relatively new lie)? From the mouths of far-right politicians, dutifully reported by the media. These myths have been perpetuated by the same people who are supposed to be telling you the truth. But the truth doesn't get big ratings these days, it needs to be "sexed up." And if the truth makes the powerful look bad it often doesn't get reported at all.

While it's true that most reporters lean Democratic, this is not as important as it may seem. Who signs their paychecks?

Rich people. And who do rich people tend to vote for?

Other rich people. (heh! Well, no choice there) That is to say, Republicans and moderate Democrats (who I like to call "Republicans-Lite") The editors of your newspaper, the producers of your favorite news programs -- these people don't have a job unless they keep the reporters and journalists in line. The editors act as a link between the Rupert Murdochs and the Dan Rathers of the world. Rupert tells them how to dance, and dance they shall, if they want their paycheck.

That's the ugly secret, people. The media is actually a conservative enterprise. You may notice a disconnect between conservative "principles" and the crap on TV, but that just means you have been fooled into thinking the conservatives actually care about morality, small government, fiscal responsibility, etc.. Yeah right. They serve a higher power - Money. That's why you can turn on Fox - Murdoch's channel - and see what is basically really soft-core porn during prime time. Morality is nice, but sex pays the bills.

Republicans have admitted that their lockstep braying of "liberal media bias" is part of a strategy. They do it to throw the other side off it's game and to keep the media (the part of it isn't cowed already) on the defensive and second-guessing themselves. This strategy is working brilliantly even today. As for "judicial activism".... don't make me laugh. Judges are probably some of the most conservative people in the country. You don't become a judge by dropping a lot acid and going, "Wow, man. Freedom.... dig it!" I don't think the "activist judge" meme is worth any more mention. What a crock.

Back to my original point - the Downing Street Memo is being deliberately and maliciously buried by the mainstream media because it proves that George W. Bush is a filthy, lying warmonger. His many friends in the media are trying their best to make this story go away, usually by ignoring it, sometimes by mentioning as something unimportant. But it's not going away, not if I have anything to say about it. And when we're cleaning out the White House, I think we should take a close look at the media as well. They were supposed to find and report the truth for us. They knew Bush's case for war was thin at best. Do you remember the lead up to war all those 27 months ago? I do. I couldn't believe how gung-ho the media was. They were absolutely drooling over the possibility of war because they knew it would drive their ratings through the roof. And it did. It's all about money, folks.

The jingoism and blind warmongering was sickening. I couldn't watch it; not that I really watch much TV anyway (I don't own one). There were a few timid protests in the media, but for the most part I had turn to alternative media to get some real perspectives on the events unfolding. Let me say this loud and clear:


And they should pay. For their betrayal many lives have been lost. For our trust in them, misplaced as it was, we have re-elected a liar and a war criminal. We have shamed ourselves in the eyes of the world, we have invaded a country that was no threat to us and spread terror across the globe. The Iraq invasion has created a whole new generation of terrorists - I'd be pissed if my country was invaded, too (not that I agree with their tactics. Suicide-bombing is wrong. But we shouldn't even be there!).

So when the media finally turns Bush and starts whipping up the scandal, just remember who helped him fool us. Just remember who repeated his lies without even trying to call him on the ones they knew were false. Many people still believe Iraq was involved in 9/11 when in fact most of the hijackers were Saudis - you know, the guys whose hands Bush is often seen holding. It should be noted that this is not a gay thing - it's actually normal for Saudi men to hold hands in public in Saudi Arabia. But that just drives home how close the Bush family is to the House of Saud. Oil = money you know. Money is the driver behind all of this. Our leaders worship the Bull-God.

Please tell others about the Downing Street Memo. Please tell others that the mainstream media is nothing more than a lie distribution network. Please hold the government and the media accountable for their crimes against humanity. Please do not let this issue fade. We need to stand strong and nail the bastards for what they've done to us. I've got family over there, and I want to see them come home safe and all in one piece. Do it for the soldiers, do it for democracy, do it for America.... do it for Truth.


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