Friday, September 01, 2006

Global takeover by the neocons has been in the works since at least 1987

A married couple were approached by Osama bin Laden's brothers in 1987. The brothers revealed the plot to destroy the World Trade Center in order to bring the U.S. into a position to invade the Middle East for its copious oil reserves:

The couple, working in the NASA scientific community, said neither of two brothers looked like Osama, but both emphatically said they were the 'mavericks' of the family, not wanting to participate with others in helping facilitate corrupt U.S. interests in Saudi Arabia.

The two scientists' first encounter with the Saudi aristocratic family members came in 1987 when the bin Ladens and others barged their way into the couple's Sedona Arizona home.

They said the bin Ladens were seeking general information about an advanced brain development project the couple worked on, as well as possibly trying to alert Americans about the U.S. government's intentions to control the Middle East and blow up the WTC in the process.

"I was shocked and didn't know what to make of them when they entered. Remember, back then, no one had an idea about 9/11 so I didn't know what to make of it," said Rachel Welch. 51, of Albuquerque. "Looking back, I think they thought we may have had a way to alert those inside NASA, sympathetic to Saudi interests, about U.S. intentions to takeover precious resources and oil reserves."

It's hard to tell if these people are full of shit or not, but the story it plausible at least. It's clear to me that 9/11 was nothing but a pretext for war in the Middle East. Look, we've got Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran is next on the list. Hell, we'll get Syria too, while we're at it. People don't seem to realize that we're Germany in 1940. This is ridiculous. We've got to stop this imperial madness!

During the first bin Laden encounter, the couple said those showed them sensitive documents and film, revealing the pre-planning for blowing up the WTC and intentions in government for a global takeover.

They said they were told that these sinister and deadly plans included an eventual catastrophic de-population of the world while at the same time taking control of the world's diminishing natural resources.

Eventually it's going to come home to roost. We can't send the world spiraling into suffering and death without reaping our karmic "reward." Every minute the war continues is a travesty. How have we become the empire? How have we become exactly what we defeated in Europe just over 60 years ago? How did people manage to forget so quickly?

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