Thursday, April 17, 2008

My open letter to ABC News: Dear treasonous media jackals...

I didn't even watch the damn debate and I could still smell its rancid stink by checking the livebloggers. God, what a wretched display of divisive, gotcha politics.

Here's my open letter to ABC News and the neocon whores who run it:

Dear treasonous media jackals:

ABC News' "debate" was a travesty and embarrassment to decent journalists everywhere. The gotcha debate style is more suitable to a professional wrestling match than an interview for the most important job in the world. Clearly, ABC News wants voters to be angry, uninformed and divided. YOU hate America, not people who don't wear flag pins. Burn in hell, you traitorous corporate whores.

A hint for next time: If you don't want to talk about important issues, don't hold a debate. If you want to ask about stupid, pointless shit, why not get Jerry Springer to hold the debate? I'm sure he'd do a better job than the two ass-clowns you had run it.

.... You may think I'm being impolite. Wrong. You should've seen what I wanted to write.

an American voter

Click here for a more reasoned and restrained open letter (not that you deserve it, ABC).

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